Postponement of 2023 AGM

As we have failed to reach the quorum of 20 full members as bookings for the AGM the Committee has decided to postpone the 2023 AGM. The rally will continue as normal and participants have been advised.
The Committee will meet and decide on a revised date/venue for the AGM later this year and, as per the Constitution, members will be advised in the usual way.
Stewart Gates

Updating Personal Details

If you have changed your address or your van please ensure you let our Membership Secretary know ( as well as updating your personal profile on the website.

Access to BUKOC Members’ Forum Facebook Page

If you would like to join our Facebook Bürstner UK Owners’ Club  Forum then please click on the Facebook icon at the top of this website and it will take you directly to this page and then ask you to log into Facebook or create a new account.  Alternatively if you are already logged into Facebook then search for Bürstner UK Owners’ Club, you can then request to join this group.

This group is a closed group and for security and privacy reasons is only accessible and viewable to fully paid up members of the Bürstner UK Owners’ Club. You will then be asked for your membership number. Membership will only be approved once you have provided this information.